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City’super 2010 葡萄酒巡禮 Wine Expo

City’super 2010 葡萄酒巡禮 Wine Expo 主題 Theme: City’super精選了一系列酒莊新星,聯同數款實力派酒壇巨星給大家品嚐及選擇。 City’super brings together a number of promising new stars together with some old classics for you to taste and choose. 價錢 Price: 免費 Free 日期時間及地點 Time, Date & Venue: 今天 Now – 24-10-2010 @ City’super 時代廣場店 Times Square Atrium 今天 Now – 28-10-2010 @ City’super 海港城店 Harbour [...]

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加州慈善品酒會 California Charity Tasting

加州慈善品酒會 California Charity Tasting 主題 Theme: 加州餐酒協會邀請大家參與慈善品酒會。大家所捐付出的入場費用,半數會撥捐柬埔寨金邊的兒童手術中心,幫助正等待施手術的小朋友,另一半會撥捐香港公益金。每人只需港幣100元,便可在Watermark餐廳一試多於50間著名加州酒莊精心釀製的美酒。 The Wine Institute of California invites you to a Charity Tasting Event, half of the proceeds will be donated to the Children’s Surgical Centre in Phnom Penh of Cambodia and the other half will be donated to the Community Chest of Hong Kong. For a small fee of [...]

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法國盧亞河谷佳釀 X 米芝蓮星級晚宴 French Loire Wines X Michelin Star Chinese Dinner

ASC 為 WINE LIST.HK 會員帶來 Henri Bourgeois X 鏞記酒家晚宴。法國盧亞河谷的 Henri Bourgeois 成功釀製特顯風土特色的葡萄酒、豐富的礦物味非常適合跟食物配搭。大家這個晚上有機會與莊主 Jean-Marie Bourgeois 先生一同品嚐美酒與鏞記酒家的星級中菜! Henri Bourgeois X Yung Kee Restaurant Wine Dinner is brought to WINELIST.HK members by ASC. Henri Bourgeois from France’s Loire Valley has successfully produced te…rroir driven wines showing rich minerality which matches very well with various cuisine. You will get [...]

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<每天波爾多 Everyday Bordeaux> 與眾同樂暢飲晚宴 Chinese Dinner Party

<每天波爾多 Everyday Bordeaux> 與眾同樂暢飲晚宴 Chinese Dinner Party 主題 Theme: 法國食品協會將舉行<每天波爾多>與眾同樂暢飲晚宴,大家會有機會任試多款價格相宜的得獎美酒,更可與各評審團近距離分享品酒心得、互相交流、看看家常中菜與波爾多葡萄酒所擦出的火花! Sopexa will be holding an Chinese Dinner Party. During that, you will have the chance to taste all the award winning wines and chat with The Jury who selected these affordable wines. Enjoy the Dinner Banquet and experience the sparks between Local Chinese Food and [...]

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我愛葡萄酒派對 I Love Wine Party @ 8th Estate

我愛葡萄酒派對 I Love Wine Party @ 8th Estate 主題 Theme: 這個週六大家有機會參加香港唯一酒莊 8th Estate 的葡萄酒派對。在遠離煩囂的鴨利洲跟釀酒師 Eddie 享受美酒與小食! Spend your Saturday night partying at Hong Kong’s one and only 8th Estate Winery. Chat with Winemaker Eddie and sample the array of wines, cheese & light canapés at relaxing Ap Lei Chau! 價錢 Price: $250 日期時間 Time & [...]

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2010 波爾多葡萄收成之旅 Bordeaux Wine Harvest Tour

2010 波爾多葡萄收成之旅 Bordeaux Wine Harvest Tour 主題 Theme: 在這波爾多之旅,20名葡萄酒愛好者會在葡萄收成期間參觀奧比安(Château Haut-Brion)和靚次伯 (Château Lynch Bages) 等著名酒莊並同時品嚐各列級酒莊的佳釀。大家也會參與波爾多葡萄酒學校的課程並與釀酒專家見面。旅程也包括波爾多世界遺產的導賞。 Small Group of 20 Wine Lovers will have the chance to visit famous Châteaus like Château Haut-Brion and Château Lynch Bages while tasting Cru Classé Wines during Harvest. You will also meet with wine experts & participate in Oenology course by [...]

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普羅旺斯的美 The Beauty of Provence

普羅旺斯出名風景明媚,在這地中海的陽光氣息和溫暖乾燥的天氣下,大家可以盡情享受清新的玫瑰紅酒。如果你是玫瑰紅酒的愛好者,你一定要留意普羅旺斯這世界領先的玫瑰紅酒產區。這區內栽培了豐富而且多姿多彩的葡萄品種。玫瑰紅酒和紅酒常用的紅葡萄包括︰格納殊 (Grenache)、施赫 (Syrah)、慕維迪 (Mourvèdre)、仙梭 (Cinsault)、提布康 (Tibouren)和卡希翁(Carignan) ;而白葡萄則包括:浩尼 (Rolle)、卡麗 (Clairette)和戶於尼(Ugni Blanc)。 Provence’s beauty lies in its famous… landscapes, it’s here where you can enjoy the sunny, warm and dry Mediterranean climate with a glass of fresh Rosé wine. If you are a fan of Rosé, you have to take a look at Provence as it’s the [...]

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CitySuper X California Wines 加州葡萄酒鑑賞晚宴 California Connoisseur Wine Dinner

CitySuper X California Wines 加州葡萄酒鑑賞晚宴 California Connoisseur Wine Dinner 主題 Theme: 加州葡萄酒的一致性、可靠程度和高質量一直備受推崇,葡萄酒愛好者已把加州酒的豐富果味成了欣賞的標記。在這鑑賞晚宴中,著名葡萄酒導師Danny Wong先生會與大家分享如何鑑賞和選擇最佳的加州酒,還會教授佳餚配對的技巧。 California Wines are highly regarded for their consistency, reliability and high quality.  Their wines have a distinctive fruit forward quality that wine enthusiasts have recognized as a hallmark. This connoisseur wine dinner will be lead by famous wine tutor and specialist, Mr. [...]

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品尚At Style Wine 新西蘭有機葡萄酒體驗 New Zealand Organic Wine Experience

品尚At Style Wine 新西蘭有機葡萄酒體驗 New Zealand Organic Wine Experience 主題 Theme: 大家這個週日有機會跟 Richmond Plains 酒莊釀酒師 Steve Gill 見面和品嚐他以有機方法釀造的 Sauvignon Blanc、Chardonnay、White Pinot Noir、Pinot Noir、Blanc de Noir 和 Riesling. 品酒會後大家可以折扣價(11歲以下的兒童免費)享用天際萬豪酒店天際咖啡室的自助晚餐。 Meet the Winemaker Steve Gill of Richmond Plains this Sunday and taste his organically made Sauvignon Blanc, Chardonnay, White Pinot Noir, Pinot Noir, Blanc de Noir & [...]

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金門酒業周年品酒會 Golden Gate Wine Grand Annual Tasting

金門酒業周年品酒會 Golden Gate Wine Grand Annual Tasting 主題 Theme: 金門酒業周年品酒會即將舉行,今年你有機會品嚐 50款頂級美國葡萄酒。不要錯過這個機會去品嚐一些著名、精品和經典的美國葡萄酒,當中包括最新年份的Merry Edwards Sauvignon Blanc、Williams Selyem Pinot Noir、Far Niente Cabernet Sauvignon、Buehler Zinfandel以及更多。 Golden Gate Wine Grand Annual Tasting will be taking place this year and you have the chance to taste 50 of the best wines from around the United States. Don’t miss out on this [...]

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