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Robert Parker “迷人The Magical 20″ 品酒會Tasting @ WineFuture香港Hong Kong 2011

Robert Parker “迷人The Magical 20″ 品酒會Tasting @ WineFuture香港Hong Kong 2011 主題 Theme: Parker將於品酒會上推介最有潛力的20種2009年波爾多葡萄酒。來自20個酒莊的代表將與Robert Parker一同參加品酒會,向參加者推介葡萄酒和酒莊。 Paker will showcase 20 wines that are worth watching out for from the impressive 2009 Vintage. Privileged tasters will be in the unique position to try some of these wines exclusively for the very first time with Robert Parker and 20 [...]

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Corney & Barrow 2011 年度試酒會 Annual Tasting

Corney & Barrow 2011 年度試酒會 Annual Tasting 主題 Theme: 有逾60種葡萄酒供來賓試飲,包括Delamotte Blanc de Blancs 2002,香港獨家代理︰布根地的Olivier Leflaive,波爾多的Tertre Rôteboeuf,法國隆河的Tardieu-Laurent,德國的Schloss Schönborn,意大利的Tenuta di Trinoro,西班牙的Benjamin Romeo,Dominio de Pingus及阿根廷的Achaval-Ferrer。 Taste more than 60 varieties of wine. Delamotte Blanc de Blancs 2002 and our exclusivities: Olivier Leflaive from Burgundy, Tertre Rôteboeuf from Bordeaux, Tardieu-Laurent from Rhone, Schloss Schönborn from Germany, Tenuta di Trinoro [...]

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月餅Mooncake x Disznoko Tokaji Aszu @ <新假期Weekend Weekly Magazine>

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WINELIST.HK @ 商業電台881 Commercial Radio

WINELIST.HK 今天Today (7-8-2011, 12:30-13:30) @ 商業電台881 Commercial Radio (

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阿爾薩斯葡萄酒嘉年華 Alsace Wine Fair

阿爾薩斯葡萄酒嘉年華 Alsace Wine Fair 主題 Theme: 這個週六,大家便有機會一次過品嚐多款精選的阿爾薩斯葡萄酒,即​場購買更有機會贏取更多的葡萄酒!阿爾薩斯葡萄酒專家費立希先生​,將專程從法國蒞臨香江,與本地愛酒人士把酒共聚,並分享他的品​酒心得和這美麗酒區的豐富知識。 Take this Saturday off to enjoy some exceptional Alsace selection in town. You may even win more Alsace wines for the purchases you made on the day. Take the opportunity to meet Mr. Thierry Fritsch, oenologist and wine expert from Alsace Wine Board, who is travelling from France [...]

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Quinta do Vale Meão: 杜羅河上游的瑰寶 A treasure of Douro Superior

Quinta do Vale Meão酒莊是Douro Boys的一分子,Douro Boys由五家著名酒莊組成,共同推廣Douro區的葡萄酒。Quinta do Vale Meão位於杜羅河上游 (Douro Superior),是Douro產區最內陸的地區。正是這種特殊的位置,特顯他的與眾不同。杜羅河上游的內陸位置在地域上更接近西班牙邊境,葡萄樹生長在溫差大及雨量少的環境,迫使葡萄樹更努力地生長葡萄。大部分的葡萄樹都種植在崎嶇的山丘上,土壤包括片岩,花崗岩和沖積礫石。不同的葡萄品種都種植在這個地區,包括:Touriga Nacional,、Tinta Roriz、 Touriga Franca、 Tinta Amarela、 Tinta Barroca 和 Tinto Cão。每一葡萄品種貢獻它的特性,使葡萄酒最終能成為一個完整的產品。 Quinta do Vale Meão is part of the Douro boys, one of five leading wineries in the Douro Valley. They promote the wines of the Douro region. This Quinta is located at Upper [...]

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香港大學專業進修學院 HKU SPACE 夏季葡萄酒課程 Summer Wine Courses

香港大學專業進修學院 HKU SPACE 夏季葡萄酒課程 Summer Wine Courses 主題 Theme: 高質素葡萄酒教育的需求正不斷增加,夏季葡萄酒課程是專為葡萄酒愛好者和業內人士而設,從而提高他們的專業知識和對葡萄酒的自信。其中的餐酒進階及深造WSET證書課程更可申請CEF持續進修基金。 Demand for high quality wine education is increasing, these Summer Wine Courses are specifically designed for wine lovers and people working in the industry to increase their professional knowledge and confidence in wine. Wine Studies I & II WSET Certificate Courses are also eligible for [...]

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Luis Pato: Bairrada 的奇才 The Genius from Bairrada

Luis Pato是Bairrada地區的一個充滿熱情和才華的釀酒師。Luis能馴服這地區的黑葡萄Baga,其高單寧及高酸度如果處理不好,可會釀出又酸又硬,而不被欣賞的葡萄酒。1980年是他生產的第一個年份,時至今日仍非常好喝,酒香四溢,口感成熟而同時保持清爽的酸度。Luis也擅長運用Bical葡萄來釀造出值得陳年的濃厚白酒Vinha Formal。 Luis Pato is a passionate and able winemaker in the Bairrada region. Luis has been able to tame the red Baga grape of this region, a variety that is high in tannin and acid and if not handled well, could produce wines that are too harsh to be appreciated. His first vintage [...]

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Prime Cellar 加州品酒會 California Guided Tasting X Opus One

Prime Cellar 加州品酒會 California Guided Tasting X Opus One Prime Cellar 為 WINELIST.HK 會員提供獨家活動,你和你的朋友可以$100在Lawry’s The Prime Rib高級扒房品嚐美國加州佳釀,當中包括Napa Valley名酒Opus One,機會難逢、萬勿錯過! Exclusive Prime Cellar Event for WINELIST.HK members to enjoy some high quality California Wines including the famous Opus One from Napa Valley at the luxurious Lawry’s The Prime Rib for only $100. An exceptional opportunity that [...]

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