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香港大學專業進修學院 HKU SPACE 夏季葡萄酒課程 Summer Wine Courses (WSET)

香港大學專業進修學院 HKU SPACE 夏季葡萄酒課程 Summer Wine Courses (WSET) 主題 Theme: 高質素葡萄酒教育的需求正不斷增加,夏季葡萄酒課程是專為葡萄酒愛好者和業內人士而設,從而提高他們的專業知識和對葡萄酒的自信。 Demand for high quality wine education is increasing, these Summer Wine Courses are specifically designed for wine lovers and people working in the industry to increase their professional knowledge and confidence in wine. 日期、時間及價錢 Time, Date & Price: 葡萄酒及烈酒中級課程 Intermediate Wines and Spirits (WSET [...]

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酒在快活谷 Wines in the Valley

酒在快活谷 Wines in the Valley 主題 Theme: 賽馬娛樂及美酒品嚐 Horse Racing & Wine tasting 在跑馬地馬場觀賞夜馬是城中最受歡迎的娛樂活動,一面觀賽,一面與好友淺斟低酌更是賞心樂事!一連三個星期三晚跑馬地馬場將會酒香瀰漫,來自法國、意大利、阿根廷及智利、澳洲及紐西蘭的美酒薈萃快活谷,讓各位品嚐佳釀的同時,盡情體驗Happy Wednesday別具特色的派對歡愉。 The Happy Wednesday race nights will see Happy Valley Racecourse reborn as a wine lover’s paradise overflowing with top global tipples in the next 3 weeks! So come along and enjoy some vintage on-track thrills plus the opportunity to uncork [...]

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香港大學專業進修學院 HKU SPACE 推出日間及周末WSET葡萄酒課程 Launches Day Time and Weekend WSET Wine Courses

香港大學專業進修學院 HKU SPACE 推出日間及周末WSET葡萄酒課程 Launches Day Time and Weekend WSET Wine Courses 主題 Theme: 高質素葡萄酒教育的需求正不斷增加,這些葡萄酒課程是專為葡萄酒愛好者和業內人士而設,從而提高他們的專業知識和對葡萄酒的自信。其中的餐酒進階WSET證書課程更可申請CEF持續進修基金。 Demand for high quality wine education is increasing, these Wine Courses are specifically designed for wine lovers and people working in the industry to increase their professional knowledge and confidence in wine. Wine Studies I WSET Certificate Course is eligible [...]

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香港大學專業進修學院 HKU SPACE 冬季葡萄酒課程  Winter Wine Courses

香港大學專業進修學院 HKU SPACE 冬季葡萄酒課程  Winter Wine Courses 主題 Theme: 高質素葡萄酒教育的需求正不斷增加,冬季葡萄酒課程是專為葡萄酒愛好者和業內人士而設,從而提高他們的專業知識和對葡萄酒的自信。其中的餐酒進階及深造WSET證書課程更可申請CEF持續進修基金。 Demand for high quality wine education is increasing, these Winter Wine Courses are specifically designed for wine lovers and people working in the industry to increase their professional knowledge and confidence in wine. Wine Studies I & II WSET Certificate Courses are also eligible for [...]

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感受葡萄酒的土壤、氣候與釀酒工藝 Sensing the Terroir, Climate & Winemaking in Wines

感受葡萄酒的土壤、氣候與釀酒工藝 Sensing the Terroir, Climate & Winemaking in Wines 透過接觸空運來港的葡萄園土壤,大家可以親身感受到當地風土的特性。法國Chablis與澳洲土壤會如何影響他們的Chardonnay? 大家齊來參加這個土壤、氣候、釀酒工藝的品味之旅。 A journey of taste through different Soil, Climate & Winemaking. Special features like soil samples are shipped directly from the wineries to show you a taste of Terroir. Check out the Soil samples of Chablis Vs Australia and see how it affects their Chardonnay! [...]

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“Test your Palate” 品酒活動 Wine Tasting Event

“Test your Palate” 品酒活動 Wine Tasting Event 十月四至六日 4-6 October: 18:00 – 21:00 (@HK$250) 香港會議展覽中心4樓君爵廳 Chancellor Room, L4, Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre 中文購票網站: English Website for Ticket Purchasing: Share 分享: Bookmark on Delicious 分享 Digg this post 分享 Share on Facebook 分享 Share with Stumblers Tweet this 分享 Subscribe RSS [...]

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香港大學專業進修學院 HKU SPACE 夏季葡萄酒課程 Summer Wine Courses

香港大學專業進修學院 HKU SPACE 夏季葡萄酒課程 Summer Wine Courses 主題 Theme: 高質素葡萄酒教育的需求正不斷增加,夏季葡萄酒課程是專為葡萄酒愛好者和業內人士而設,從而提高他們的專業知識和對葡萄酒的自信。其中的餐酒進階及深造WSET證書課程更可申請CEF持續進修基金。 Demand for high quality wine education is increasing, these Summer Wine Courses are specifically designed for wine lovers and people working in the industry to increase their professional knowledge and confidence in wine. Wine Studies I & II WSET Certificate Courses are also eligible for [...]

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中菜醇酒.盡在加州  California Wines x Chinese Cuisine

中菜醇酒.盡在加州  California Wines x Chinese Cuisine 主題 Theme: 加州葡萄酒協會夥拍香港日航酒店、香港洲際酒店及The Mira Hong Kong 的著名中菜廳進行加州葡萄酒配搭中菜的推廣活動,活動於5 月至8 月期間舉行。 The Wine Institute of California is launching the Chinese food and California wine pairing promotion in the three famous Chinese restaurants in Hotel Nikko Hongkong, InterContinental Hong Kong and The Mira Hong Kong during May to August. 日期、地點及訂位熱線Date, Venue & [...]

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VINEXPO Asia-Pacific 2012 @ 香港 Hong Kong

VINEXPO Asia-Pacific 2012 @ 香港 Hong Kong 主題 Theme: 全球首屈一指的葡萄酒及烈酒商貿展VINEXPO Asia-Pacific 2012以破紀錄的姿態載譽重臨香港,屆時過千家來自二十八個國家參展商將展覽攤位。VINEXPO逢單數年份於波爾多舉行,雙數年份在亞洲區舉行。據VINEXPO最新發表的研究報告顯示,香港已晉身為亞洲葡萄酒之都及區域葡萄酒貿易樞紐。該年度報告更發現香港成人每年平均消耗5公升葡萄酒,為亞洲之冠。 自撤銷葡萄酒進口稅以來,香港已穩健發展為中國/亞洲蓬勃市場的區域樞紐。據最新的葡萄酒出入口數據顯示,於2010年,進口至香港的500萬九公升箱葡萄酒之中,有200萬箱被轉口,即40%被運往境外。研究亦發現,中國(連同香港在內)已躋身世界第五大葡萄酒消耗市場,而葡萄酒消耗量於2010短短一年內上揚至33.4%。 VINEXPO Asia-Pacific 2012 is set to establish a new milestone as the world’s most international wines and spirits exhibition. The expo is bringing together over 1000 exhibitors from 28 countries from all over the world. VINEXPO is staged annually in alternative years [...]

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西班牙美酒佳餚節 Spanish Foods & Wines Festival 2012 (10張免費門票送給WINELSIT.HK會員 10 Free Tickets for members)

西班牙美酒佳餚節 Spanish Foods & Wines Festival 2012 (10張免費門票送給WINELSIT.HK會員 10 Free Tickets for members) 主題 Theme: 「西班牙美酒佳餚節」即將載譽歸來,現誠邀各位一同品味西班牙佳餚美食之旅,感受豐富的西班牙飲食文化!今年共有19間西班牙食品參展商,為賓客帶來最優質、最齊全的西班牙美酒佳餚,包括:來自西班牙不同地區的優質葡萄酒、西班牙火腿、芝士、肉腸、鵝肝、鴨製品、醋等。加上健康好味的有機朱古力、番紅花黑橄欖,還有充滿西班牙特色的Sangria、果汁及礦泉水。來賓更可與眾多西班牙食品供應商直接交流,從多角度認識西班牙美食精粹。 Having received overwhelming responses over the past years, “Open Day: Spanish Foods & Wines Festival” will return successively this year! Foods & Wines from Spain cordially invites the Spanish food and beverage lovers to attend the journey of Spanish [...]

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