金門酒業周年品酒會 Golden Gate Wine Grand Annual Tasting 主題 Theme: 金門酒業周年品酒會即將舉行,今年你有機會品嚐 50款頂級美國葡萄酒。不要錯過這個機會去品嚐一些著名、精品和經典的美國葡萄酒,當中包括最新年份的Merry Edwards Sauvignon Blanc、Williams Selyem Pinot Noir、Far Niente Cabernet Sauvignon、Buehler Zinfandel以及更多。 Golden Gate Wine Grand Annual Tasting will be taking place this year and you have the chance to taste 50 of the best wines from around the United States. Don’t miss out on this [...]
Read more 繼續閱讀...Acker Merrall & Condit 五月名酒拍賣會 May Auction 主 題 Theme: Acker Merrall & Condit這個週末將舉行「帝王窖藏」拍賣會,一共1820批頂級名釀,總估值逾1 億 2千 5 百萬港元。 Acker Merrall & Condit will host their「The Imperial Cellar」Auction this weekend in Hong Kong with 1820 lots of the world’s greatest wines, estimated to realize a total of HK$125 million. … 重點佳釀包括 Auction Highlights: – 1908、1918 和 [...]
Read more 繼續閱讀...加州慈善品酒會 California Charity Tasting 主題 Theme: 加州餐酒協會及Napa Valley Vintners邀請大家參與慈善品酒會。大家所捐付出的入場費用,全數均會撥捐柬埔寨金邊的兒童手術中心,幫助正等待施手術的小朋友。每人只需港幣100元,便可一試多於40間著名加州酒莊精心釀製的美酒和Watermark餐廳炮製的美食。 The Wine Institute of California and Napa Valley Vintners invite you to a Charity Tasting Event, all proceeds will be donated to the Children’s… Surgical Centre in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. For a small fee of HK$100 per person, you can enjoy the wines of more than [...]
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