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“Rendezvous with Fine Wine” 尊貴品酒會

“Rendezvous with Fine Wine” 尊貴品酒會 主題 Theme: 參與 “Rendezvous with Fine Wine” 尊貴品酒活動,便可一嚐超過60家備受推崇的葡萄酒莊所呈獻過百款的葡萄美酒。活動由嘉里-酒香、港島香格里拉大酒店及南華早報合辨,參加者更有機會一嚐被譽為波爾多最佳出產年份的2009年佳釀,包括獲100評分的Châteaux Pavie、Pape Clément blanc、Smith Haut Lafitte和Vieux Château Certan,知名酒莊Rauzan Ségla、Pichon Lalande、Troplong Mondot、Lynch Bages及其他地區的知名品牌Pegau、Almaviva 及Solaia等等 。所有賓客均可在活動後,獲贈由活動之酒杯贊助商Riedel的酒杯一隻。 Join the “Rendezvous with Fine Wine” event, and you could taste more than 100 fine wines from 60 renowned Châteaux and Domaines. This tasting event is co-hosted by Kerry [...]

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