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Wine SPIT Conference by Debra Meiburg MW

Wine SPIT (Sales Professionals, Industry and Trade) Conference by Debra Meiburg, Master of Wine on June 18 2014. Tickets available for purchase online. Time: 9am-5pm Date: 18 June 2014 Location: TKP Wanchai Conference Centre, 41 Lockhart Road, Hong Kong Share 分享: Bookmark on Delicious 分享 Digg this post 分享 Share on Facebook 分享 Share [...]

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Pancho Campo MW 葡萄酒大師演繹 “西班牙葡萄酒的熱情與多樣性 The Diversity and Passion of Spanish Wines” @ WineFuture 香港Hong Kong 2011

Pancho Campo MW 葡萄酒大師演繹 “西班牙葡萄酒的熱情與多樣性 The Diversity and Passion of Spanish Wines” @ WineFuture 香港Hong Kong 2011 主題 Theme: 西班牙第一位葡萄酒大師Pancho Campo,將在品酒會上呈獻16款最重要、最傳奇的西班牙葡萄酒,會上更採用嶄新的視聽效果,提供與別不同的感受。 Pancho Campo, Spain’s first Master of Wine will conduct a Masterclass & Tasting of 16 of the most important and legendary wines of Spain. Exciting and impressive audiovisual displays will be featured at this [...]

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Jancis Robinson MW “非一般的美酒品酒會 Beyond Bordeaux Tasting” @ WineFuture 香港Hong Kong 2011

Jancis Robinson MW “非一般的美酒品酒會 Beyond Bordeaux Tasting” @ WineFuture 香港Hong Kong 2011 主題 Theme: 英國葡萄酒大師Jancis Robinson親自挑選一些鮮為人知,但值得關注葡萄酒,刺激愛酒人士的味蕾。 British Master of Wine Jancis Robinson proposes for her tasting to stimulate the taste buds with a hand-picked selection from some corners of the wine world that deserve more attention. 英國著名葡萄酒作家Jancis將與超過1,000名參加者品嚐葡萄酒。這些葡萄酒來自新舊世界產區,於品嚐、收藏和投資方面都值得更多的關注。這些高品質的葡萄酒分別來自一些成熟的產酒區及新興地區,如巴西、土耳其和中國。 The famous British wine writer will conduct a [...]

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Robert Parker “迷人The Magical 20″ 品酒會Tasting @ WineFuture香港Hong Kong 2011

Robert Parker “迷人The Magical 20″ 品酒會Tasting @ WineFuture香港Hong Kong 2011 主題 Theme: Parker將於品酒會上推介最有潛力的20種2009年波爾多葡萄酒。來自20個酒莊的代表將與Robert Parker一同參加品酒會,向參加者推介葡萄酒和酒莊。 Paker will showcase 20 wines that are worth watching out for from the impressive 2009 Vintage. Privileged tasters will be in the unique position to try some of these wines exclusively for the very first time with Robert Parker and 20 [...]

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