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遊「酒」波爾多市 Wine and Dine in the City of Bordeaux

波爾多以其著名的酒莊聞名於世,各地的葡萄酒愛好者都希望有機會到此一遊。感謝Medoc Wine Council,讓我有機會在今年秋天到波爾多參觀。趁著前往鄉郊的葡萄園之前,花一天在波爾多市吃喝玩樂! Bordeaux is world famous for its prestigious chateaus and many wine lovers around the globe would love to have the opportunity to visit this wine region with a lot of wine and beer cellar coolers so you can try your share. This autumn I had the chance to go to Bordeaux thanks [...]

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